Same Pills. Just Cheaper.
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Save up to $95 at +35,000 participating pharmacies
RobinhoodRx is not insurance & it is free.
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Our Story
Healthcare Needs A Robinhood
Our team members each have a story about how broken healthcare is. We all have personal stories about loved ones and family members that once diagnosed with life-altering diseases or health conditions, find that they can't afford the drugs that can help them live a healthier life... even if they have "health insurance". We also hear in the headlines daily how expensive healthcare is, and how health plans are not doing enough to help support communities live healthier by reducing financial barriers of high cost.
Since day one, we’ve been working tirelessly in order to deliver pharmacy pricing direct to consumers and patients without the health plan hassle. We are HSA, HRA, FSA friendly. We understand that every January 1st right after the "Happy New Year" joy is gone, many patients are reminded that their health plan deductibles reset and they have to pay "high" cost for their prescriptions and don't realize they have options outside of their health plan.
We are working around the clock to expand our product offerings and services to allow millions of people to live healthier by accessing prescription drugs they can afford, legally, in the USA (not overseas). We also are striving to make our customers' experience even better. We’re proud of how far we’ve come, yet remain committed to performing even better.
Our daily prescription deals are carefully selected. Delivery options and payment methods flexible. Browse through our inventory and experience shopping with RobinhoodRx for yourself. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions, comments or suggestions.